Mind-Body Los Angeles
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It is my intention to help make the health-enhancing practices of Tai Chi and Qigong widely accessible for newcomers, while also providing enough diversity of material to keep longtime students engaged. It is deeply gratifying and encouraging to me that several participants in my current sessions first showed up for my earliest offerings in 2011 and have kept coming!
While I pepper my patter with reminders of basic practice principles on an on-going basis, I don't interrupt the flow to define and re-define terms or to expound on the ancient, theoretical underpinnings of the work. (I do make myself available after sessions for "positive gossip"¹ and Q&A&A—"Questions and Answers and Arguments"—and am happy to expound at that time.)
I recommend newcomers checkout a slide presentation that was prepared by my original teacher Roger Jahnke, OMD,founder of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi. You will find it here.